d6 Reasons Humans Exist in a Fantasy RPG

Even the most “A Wizard Did It” person has a weird suspension of disbelief bugbear when it comes to creating a setting for play. What we understand as sign or simply convenience in a piece of non-interactive fiction can become a question of high scrutiny in a world simulation. For some, those are potatoes in a fantasy world. For others, how dungeons can even exist.

For some time, my bugbear was actually how humans existed in a given setting. I know humans, I dwell among you. I can accept most things in a setting, but not why humans exist without a sound reason. A human being, as I know it, seems as strange to see in fantasy as it would be for some to run into silent cartoon characters in their otherwise Tolkienesque setting. Unless I have a reason for humans to exist, I just can’t get on with the rest of setting creation.

So I made a small table of reasons for it, because it’s not OSR unless you do a table with the possible answers you sketched on a napkin while waiting for lunch.

  1. It’s Earth, but the fantasy elements arrived at some point of our past, creating a different historical timeline or a mythic age which remains erased of our historical records.
  2. It’s Earth, but during our era.
  3. It’s Earth, but after our era.
  4. Humans came from Earth to this separate world, either through portals or interstellar travel. They may not even remember Earth or be here for a specific objective.
  5. They don’t exist in this world and have never existed, even if parallels to our cultures exist for play convenience.
  6. Some entity or god created a species identical to humans for slave labor due to our opposing thumbs and bipedal walking.

Author: Weird Writer

He/him. Brazilian, so excuse my French, I mean, my English.

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